Tag: philippine artist

Bukana Illustrated: Spirit Elves

This is the second part of a series within a series. We’re going to look at how we adapted somewhat obscure creatures from Philippine myth into a player bloodline (‘subrace’). Last time, we looked at Daphne Gragera’s spread of spirit masks. Today, we’ll explore… Continue Reading “Bukana Illustrated: Spirit Elves”

Cultures: Berani Tribes

This is a new series of articles that will discuss various ethnolinguistic groups within Bukana and beyond. An ethnolinguistic group is an umbrella term for a number of tribes that are joined together by common language and traditions. For instance, today we are looking… Continue Reading “Cultures: Berani Tribes”

Bukana Illustrated: True Aswang

We’ve previously looked at the Markupo piece that Brian Valeza did for us. Some of you may recognize Brian’s work from Magic: The Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons, Paizo’s Pathfinder, Elder Scroll Legends and other tabletop and mobile games. Today we’re going to talk about… Continue Reading “Bukana Illustrated: True Aswang”

Cultures: Bughitawo Tribes

In our Cultures series, we discuss various ethnolinguistic groups within Bukana and beyond. An ethnolinguistic group is an umbrella term for a number of tribes that are joined together by common language and traditions. For instance, today we are looking at the Bughitawo. This… Continue Reading “Cultures: Bughitawo Tribes”

Bukana Illustrated: Druid vs. Kurita

As we’ve seen with his Duwende Bridge piece, Ash Ben is a fantastic illustrator. So the second piece we gave him was of a Bukanese Orangutan fighting a kurita. We don’t blame you if you aren’t familiar with a kurita; it’s an obscure creature… Continue Reading “Bukana Illustrated: Druid vs. Kurita”

Cultures: Tigayon Tribes

This is a new series of articles that will discuss various ethnolinguistic groups within Bukana and beyond. An ethnolinguistic group is an umbrella term for a number of tribes that are joined together by common language and traditions. For instance, today we are looking… Continue Reading “Cultures: Tigayon Tribes”

Bukana Illustrated: Mariner & Warrior-Caste Backgrounds

In this installment of Art of Bukana, we introduce Gladys Domalaon. This very talented artist comes to us from Luzon. We found her work on Instagram and were very impressed with her Hiraya project, in which she illustrated numerous creatures of Philippine myth. Her… Continue Reading “Bukana Illustrated: Mariner & Warrior-Caste Backgrounds”

Bukana Illustrated: Spirit Masks

This is the first part of a series within a series. We’re going to look at how we adapted somewhat obscure creatures from Philippine myth into a player bloodline (‘subrace’). Very briefly, we need to discuss the devastating impact that the Spanish had on… Continue Reading “Bukana Illustrated: Spirit Masks”

Bukana Illustrated: The Markupo

I mentioned Last Time that one of the first things I did upon starting the Bukana project was to trawl Artstation for Filipinix artists. I discovered an illustrator that was already making truly stunning images of indigenous creatures. I quickly recognized the name Brian… Continue Reading “Bukana Illustrated: The Markupo”

Bukana Illustrated: The art of asher

When I decided that the first game that I would develop for Secret Garden Games would be a roleplaying game inspired by non-European mythologies, I knew that I had my work cut out for me. You see? As far as I know, I am… Continue Reading “Bukana Illustrated: The art of asher”