Category: Bukana 5e

New Rules: Rote Checks

One of the things that we’d like to do for our players is to address some of the issues that we think infringe upon game play in 5e. Our intent is to either make new mechanics either optional, or to make an optional rule… Continue Reading “New Rules: Rote Checks”

Storytellers: The Sisters of the Sky

This week, we explore the trinity of demigods that is inspired by the Daughters of Bathala. In Philippine myth, one of the most powerful gods sired three daughters by a mortal woman. These entities seem to really resonate with modern day Filipinx for whom… Continue Reading “Storytellers: The Sisters of the Sky”

World of Bukana: Headhunting

There are a number of problematic aspects of early tribal life when taken from a modern day perspective. The first that we encountered when developing Bukana was that of headhunting. Like many cultures, head-taking played a role in warfare; the Irish did it, eastern… Continue Reading “World of Bukana: Headhunting”

Storytellers: The Beginning

In this series, we will listen to some of the countless storytellers found in Bukana. Just like the real world Philippines, the Sea of Skulls has a strong oral tradition and there is never a shortage of tales: truth, lies, and sometimes both. “None… Continue Reading “Storytellers: The Beginning”

Lazy Podcast

This is the first episode of my verbal notebook. Since I spend 2 hours a day driving, I routinely records notes to myself. This first episode isn’t exactly that, since I recorded it specifically to share, but the general idea is the same. This… Continue Reading “Lazy Podcast”

World of Bukana: The Planes

Much of what the ancient inhabitants of the Philippine islands once believed has been lost to time. What little we do know comes largely from Spanish missionaries as they began their colonization of the archipelago. Our understanding of their beliefs suggests a concept of… Continue Reading “World of Bukana: The Planes”

Bukana Illustrated: The art of asher

When I decided that the first game that I would develop for Secret Garden Games would be a roleplaying game inspired by non-European mythologies, I knew that I had my work cut out for me. You see? As far as I know, I am… Continue Reading “Bukana Illustrated: The art of asher”

Introducing ‘SRD Apocrypha’

Our Bukana roleplaying setting is being published using the Open Game License (see below) provided by Wizards of the Coast, makers of the Dungeons & Dragons RPG. This allows us to use the core rules of Fifth Edition (5e) without using any of their… Continue Reading “Introducing ‘SRD Apocrypha’”